Hi my name is Katie. Thank you so much for reading Live Like Liam. I am married to my very best friend Mike, who is very loving and supportive. He is the person who suggested I make this blog and share my knowledge. He works very hard to allow me to stay at home with our two kids Savannah 6 and Liam 3. He is my rock and my life would not be complete with out him. Savannah is my sweet girl, who I adore. Liam is my strong headed boy with the biggest heart.
You will find in this blog many things like eating a gluten, dairy, refined sugar, nitrate free diet. We also eat things that are organic, and home made. You will find that I talk about my son Liam and how he is living with an auto immune disease called Ulcerative Colitis. I am on a mission to help Liam learn how to live a healthy, happy, fulfilled life while dealing with UC. I cook from scratch, find the best deals online, in stores as well as farmers markets. It is my goal to get Liam eating healthy so he has less "flare ups".
You will also find information on Vision Therapy. After a year of kindergarten I found it surprising he was not showing signs of reading. We worked on it over the summer so that he would have a good start for his second year of Kindergarten. It was still a big struggle for him. The first couple of weeks of school he kept saying he could not see little letters. He was coming home with headaches and a friend of mine Jenny at raising cat and bug suggested I take him to a pediatric eye doctor. After his appointment we were told he had 20/20 vision but shows weakness in tracking, 3D and were advised to have further testing. I will be documenting his journey through Vision Therapy as well.
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